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MESA External Floating Roofs
The roof and accessories shall be designed and constructed so that the roof is allowed to float to the maximum design liquid level and then return to a liquid level that floats the roof well below the top of the tank shell without damage to any part of the roof, tank, or appurtenances.
During such an occurence, no manual attention shall be required to protect the roof, tank, or appurtenances. If a windskirt or top-shell extension is used, it shall contain the roof seals at the highest point of travel.

ADD: Room 918,Block A, Wanda Square, Tongzhou District ,Beijing, China
TEL:+86 010-60563990
FAX: +86 010-89503120
Code: 101100
E-mail: jessie@wyxbj.com
Weiyixin(Beijing)Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd